
But I bought a yearbook ad from you, doesn’t that mean anything anymore? What’s Spanish for “I know you speak English?” It’s called ‘taking advantage.’ It’s what gets you ahead in life. First place chick is hot, but has an attitude, doesn’t date magicians. Army had half a day. We just call it a sausage. Marry me. Bad news. Andy Griffith turned us down. He didn’t like his trailer. I hear the jury’s still out on science.

But I bought a yearbook ad from you, doesn’t that mean anything anymore? What’s Spanish for “I know you speak English?” It’s called ‘taking advantage.’ It’s what gets you ahead in life. First place chick is hot, but has an attitude, doesn’t date magicians. Army had half a day. We just call it a sausage. Marry me. Bad news. Andy Griffith turned us down. He didn’t like his trailer. I hear the jury’s still out on science.